New Things

“You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You—in both inclination and character], Because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation].

Isaiah 26:3 AMP

Hi friend! It’s been far too long…

So, for the past six months, something weird was happening with my blogging site, and I wasn’t able to post anything, which was really frustrating. This morning, I decided to try again, and here we are! I’m able to post again! Praise God!

A little life update for those of you who don’t know – I’m in California this summer! And wow, life has been so different than ever before! I’m absolutely loving going to the beach and listening to the waves, getting In-N-Out Burger, and connecting with some fiery people.

God has been moving in my life in so many ways, and I’m excited to get to share those with you.

All that being said, it was actually a very scary decision for me to come here. I love adventures, but I hate uncertainty, which usually go hand-in-hand. I’ve realized it’s really easy for me to tell others that God can work in big ways when we lose all control, but when I’m placed in a position that forces me to trust Him completely, I feel so lost.

I knew that moving out to the West Coast for the whole summer would be a big step of faith for me, and I was plagued with anxiety all the way up to the plane ride. It wasn’t just the practical uncertainty of getting a job and learning to live in a new place – I was afraid of everything.

Somehow, despite all of my fears and doubts, God taught my heart how to rest in Him. The moment I stepped off the plane, I had a special kind of peace I’ve never had before. I was actually able to rest in every moment, and live without fear.

It took stepping out for me to be able to feel that perfect peace. And the Lord has been keeping me in that peace ever since.

But that doesn’t mean that I’m not still waiting to see Him work.

I moved out here to get a job, and it’s honestly been a lot harder than I expected. I know God is asking me to rest and trust in Him, but it’s hard when you don’t see Him moving in the ways you’re expecting.

Regardless of my position, God has been teaching me a lot about trusting Him with the future, and making the most of every moment. I feel Him calling me to things I didn’t have time for previously because of the ways I choose to busy myself. Right now, I’m able to pour into others, and be poured into as well. I’m able to write again. I’m able to look into new ways of spending my time that are more fulfilling and life-giving for me personally.

I don’t know where you are this summer, but I know that God wants to work in your heart too. The summer can be uncomfortable, because there is so much change. Kids come back from school, college students move back home, and everyone is mixing together in new ways.

Wherever you find yourself this summer, I encourage you to lean into the Lord and ask Him what He has for you in this time. These months can be a great time of growth if you allow God to shape your heart as you go through each day. Spend some time asking God what He has for your heart as you draw near to Him this summer.

Much love!



Love this Baby! 💙
So proud of you for stepping out in faith & courage in the face of fear & unknowns, for being Cora-geous! YOU are in inspiration as you let the Lord shine through you! Love you!
💙 Moma

Such wise and true words. Thank you for sharing the Lord’s faithfulness 🙌
❤️ Anna

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